Men’s Club
Our motto; “Help out and have fun”
The Beth El Men’s Club has a great year planned. For starters, we have a full slate of Sukkot-related events. We’ll fuel up with our Kickoff Breakfast on September 29 and then start Part 1 of Sukkah building for the shul and Rabbi’s house. Part 2 will take place on Sunday October 6. Finally, we will gather to disassemble the sukkah on Sunday, October 27.
Super Bowl Sunday, February 9, starts with the World Wide Wrap and breakfast, with instruction on wrapping tefillin, and in the evening, the Essen and Fressen cooking team’s Super Bowl Party. Families are welcome at both events.
Special Shabbat: Men’s Club Shabbat is February 14-15. Please join us as club members lead services and read Parshat Yitro.
We are planning a Deli Night with Essen and Fressen on Sunday June 15.
Also on the docket for this year: Cooking for the religious school Chanukah party and Purim Carnival, our Hearing Men’s Voices discussion series, Yom HaShoah yellow candle distribution, Passover wine sale and much more. Click here for our full calendar. You can also pick up a copy outside the synagogue office or send an email to mensclub@bethel.net